Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency market by valuation, has developed Solidity, a flexible programming language.
If you are new to Solidity programming and want to learn more about it, this article is for you. You will learn about numerous crucial aspects of Solidity Programming in this article. Let’s get started.

Introduction of Solidity Language
Solidity is a contract-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts. It is used for implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Solidity is statically typed supports inheritance, libraries, and complex user-defined types, among other features.
Solidity is compiled to bytecode that is executable on the EVM. The bytecode contains a copy of the original Solidity program and data collected each time it runs. The bytecode also includes a small code called an “interpreter,” which can understand simple instructions in Solidity and convert them into messages the EVM understands.
Mainly, Solidity supports inheritance and libraries. Inheritance allows one contract to inherit another contract’s variables and methods, while libraries allow one contract to use the functions from another contract.
Background of Solidity Programming
Solidity was initially designed by Gavin Wood, Christian Reitwiessner, and Alex Beregszaszi in 2014. Solidity became an open-source project in 2015 when released on GitHub under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license.
Solidity was created as an alternative to other languages like C++ or Python because it would provide more security than those languages while still being able to be used for smart contracts on Ethereum’s blockchain.
Features of Solidity Programming
Solidity has a number of features that make it ideal for developing smart contracts. Some of these features are:
- Modifiers, which give developers the ability to change the behavior of functions without changing their underlying code;
- Events and callbacks, which enable developers to subscribe to changes on a blockchain;
- Inline assembly, which allows developers to access platform-specific instructions in order to achieve specific tasks.
Data Types of Solidity Programming
Solidity is a statically typed language. This means that it requires that each variable is declared with a specific data type before its first use. Solidity has Value and Reference types, which are defined in the same way as other statically typed languages:
1. Value Types
Value types are variables that can only hold a single value of a specific type. For example, the type of the variable x can only be uint256 because it can only have 256 bits of data. The following are the value type data types in Solidity:
- Boolean:This data type only accepts True or False as values.
- Integer:This data type is used to store integer values.
- Address:An Ethereum address is represented by a 20-byte value called an address. An address can be used to receive or transfer the balance by the balance and transfer method.
- Enums:Enums are used to construct user-defined data types and give an essential constant a name, making the contract more legible, scalable, and error-free.
- Fixed Point Numbers:According to the Solidity manual, these data types are not yet wholly supported in Solidity. They can be specified as fixed and unfixed for signed and unsigned fixed-point numbers of variable sizes.
2. Reference Types
Reference types are variables that refer to an address in memory where the actual value is stored. The following are the solidity reference types:
- Struct:Solidity’s structure feature allows users to construct and specify their types. Even if it is impossible to include a member of its kind, the architecture is a collection of multiple types.
- Array:Arrays are containers that store multiple values of the same type. They are declared by specifying a type, followed by square brackets containing zero or more comma-separated values of that type. The values can be accessed using their index (position).
- Mapping: Mappings are containers that store key/value pairs where both the key and value have some data type associated with them.
What is Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)?
Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVM is a Turing-complete virtual machine that executes scripts using an international network of public nodes. It was designed to be used with the Ethereum blockchain, a distributed ledger for transactions.
The EVM can execute scripts using an international network of public nodes, and it was designed to be used with the Ethereum blockchain, which serves as a distributed ledger for transactions. EVM is competent in mitigating Denial-of-Service attacks and verifies that the applications do not have access to each other’s state while also establishing a connection with minimal intervention.
Moreover, The EVM executes a contract’s code exactly as written without any interference or downtime – even if the contract is subject to constant changes.
What are Smart Contracts?
Smart contracts are an essential part of a blockchain. They are programs that run on the blockchain and get executed when certain conditions are met.
The best way to think of a smart contract is as a self-executing code that can trigger an action in another smart contract or the real world.
A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance.
Benefits of Solidity Programming
It is possible to write smart contracts in Solidity without having prior knowledge of the advanced features of the Ethereum ecosystem like gas, transaction costs, and block confirmation times.
Solidity code can be compiled into bytecode for execution on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The compiler will check that all the conditions are met, and if they are not, it will produce an error message.
More benefits of Solidity programming are:
- The code is very readable.
- It supports a number of programming features such as classes, inheritance, and others.
- It supports libraries that can be included in your project.
- It has a large community, and it’s being updated constantly.
How to Get Started With Solidity Programming?
Version Pragma
A version pragma is a way of specifying which version of Solidity to use when compiling a contract.
Contract Keyword
The contract keyword is the keyword that defines a Solidity contract. A contract is a collection of code (functions and variables) that resides at a given address in the Ethereum blockchain and can be interacted with by other contracts or users through transactions.
The two most important features of contracts are: (1) they are immutable and cannot be changed once deployed to the blockchain; (2) they have their unique address on the blockchain.
State Variables
The state variable is a variable that stores the state of the contract. State variables are declared using the keyword “state” followed by an identifier.
The declare keyword is used to create new variables and assign values to them. This can be done in a single line or multiple lines.
How to execute the solidity code?
There are two ways to execute a Solidity program.
Offline Mode:
Offline mode is more complicated but is more secure. It requires you to have a compiler installed on your computer, which you can use to compile and execute the program. In offline mode, you can use a compiler to compile the code into bytecode, and then it can be executed on the blockchain without an internet connection.
Online Mode:
Online mode is the easiest way to execute a Solidity Program. In online mode, you will need an internet connection for deploying and managing your Solidity program. You will run your code in Remix id.
The Solidity programming language is a powerful and expressive language that can be used to create complex contracts. It has many features that make it easier for developers to write secure and reliable smart contracts.
This article taught you all you need to know about Solidity Programming and its ideas, such as how it originated, what EVM and Smart Contracts are, what Data Types in Solidity Programming is and its benefits.